Whether it’s a flood, hurricane, pandemic or other business interruption, Fibertown offers scalable and reliable solutions to meet your needs.
The Essential Guide to Upgrading your Data Center to Fibertown
With the rise in big data and application usage, it’s extremely likely you are considering a power or space upgrade to add capacity to your data center. Maybe your server closet is overloaded and in need of an update.
FIBERTOWN’s Blended Bandwidth
A critical element for any business is network connectivity. In fact, a past Gartner study found that it costs businesses on average $5,600 per minute of downtime. Of course, this is an average, and the exact number fluctuates by industry and size of the business....
3 Reasons Why Colocation Services are a Better Choice than On-Premise Data Centers
Perhaps this is a strange start to a data center article. But consider these questions – If you had an aching foot, would you rather see a podiatrist or a general practitioner? If your vintage car no longer ran, would you rather a mechanic well versed in 30-year-old...
Points to Consider for Data Center Migration
As a company grows, the need for data protection grows too. A data center, which is a space, building, or group of buildings designed to hold computer systems and other necessary parts, becomes an important investment for growing organizations. The protection a data...
Proper Facilities Management: A Plan for the Future
The 2020s haven’t had a great start. First COVID spread across the globe, and then a winter freeze caused blackouts across the state of Texas. We’ve all heard the saying, “Plan for the worst and hope for the best,” but are you just hoping? Or do you have a plan?...
Keys to Collaborating Across Your Organization When Shopping for a Data Center
From building stats to site visits, researching a new colocation provider can be overwhelming. There are a lot of moving parts and people from multiple departments who need to be involved in a project of this level. It’s up to your team to plan it well and give it due...
FiberLight Continues Momentum in Texas with New Redundant Point-to-Point Diverse Pathway Built in Houston For FIBERTOWN
Latest build takes advantage of extensive fiber ring built throughout Texas to bring redundant pathway to FIBERTOWN Data Center Atlanta, GA, July 27, 2021 – FiberLight, LLC, a fiber infrastructure provider with more than 20 years of experience building and operating...
Faster, Cheaper Internet from FIBERTOWN with Midwest Internet Exchange
Midwest Internet Exchange is now online in the FIBERTOWN Houston Data Center; plans to expand to the Bryan Data Center FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 2, 2021 HOUSTON — Texas-based data center FIBERTOWN is now partnering with Midwest Internet Exchange....
FIBERTOWN Announces Significant Houston Expansion
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Houston – January 9, 2019 FIBERTOWN Data Centers and Disaster Recovery Offices are expanding their Houston footprint with additional data halls at their north Houston location. “Since opening the Houston market in 2011, FIBERTOWN has steadily...